Arduino serial monitor to keyboard emulator
Arduino serial monitor to keyboard emulator

But the question is: Is it possible to use an Arduino Nano as some kind of arcade encoder? some people might say it isnt, but some might say it is, only if you have some sort of serial-to-keypress software of some sort in windows (which i kind of dont like to do since the site that has these softwares aren't secure websites, thus the software is recognised as a virus by the antivirus software ive been using). These are the only things i have for now. Kailh silent momentary switches (I have pulled out from an old pcb years ago) Potentiometers, joysticks, photoresistors, ultrasound, infrared are all possible ways of triggering a mouse or keyboard event from your circuit.I am currently trying to make a arcade encoder of some sort with just using stuff i have in the house. You could also try some different components for your inputs. Use your imagination and come up with something interesting. You could easily make buttons that write out your full name, email address, launch software, type URLs. The Keyboard.print statement allows you to send a string of characters.

arduino serial monitor to keyboard emulator

There are so many things you could do with the keyboard and mouse libraries. Using example 2 on this page, you will need to amend the scripts so that the 'a' and 'd' keys are used for left and right. To test this, you can make a quick Scratch game. The fire button is emulated using a different statement, equivalent to a press and release of the keyboard key. The left and right buttons stay pressed until released.

arduino serial monitor to keyboard emulator

The sketch emulates the pressing of 3 different keys, each one associated with a button in the circuit. Just 3 pushbuttons with pull-up resistors.

arduino serial monitor to keyboard emulator

The purpose is to emulate key presses on the computer in response to input on the Arduino. This project is specific to the Leonardo, Esplora and other Arduino boards that can emulate the mouse and keyboard.

Arduino serial monitor to keyboard emulator